Monday, June 14, 2021

Marijuana News Online From the Marijuana Activists


There is no one right way to approach marijuana news but for many medical marijuana dispensaries, the top most concerns are the security of their staff and patients. Many cannabis companies have been severely affected by recent marijuana news articles, Marijuana Moment state, "Marijuana retail outlets have closed in many areas throughout the country...including several cities in California, including Stockton." Medical marijuana laws vary among states so having a comprehensive and up to date cannabis news source at your fingertips can be extremely beneficial to informed consumers. In some areas retail marijuana is illegal, while in other states it's entirely legal. It's a good idea to research state law before investing capital in any new and potentially lucrative business ventures.

Marijuana news from the Colorado Springs, Colorado area has also been affected by recent events. In February, two marijuana dispensary owners were arrested on drug trafficking charges. These two men were accused of bringing large amounts of heroin from Mexico into the US while operating medical cannabis clinics in the Denver area. The arrests took place around the time when the newly passed Colorado Medical Marijuana Laws was being debated and voted upon. The passing of these new laws was expected to bring in more marijuana business opportunities for established cannabis businesses.

According to เว็บข่าวกัญชา Online, "weed shops are flourishing in Nevada due to the new Marijuana Law that took effect in January. Although marijuana use is banned under federal law, 22 States, along with the District of Columbia, have legalized the substance for medicinal purposes. Two weeks prior to the implementation of the new law, Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval signed an executive order "establishing a regulated system of pharmacies to sell and cultivate marijuana," according to a release from the Office of the Governor. The move was condemned by the Marijuana Party, a political party which is known for its liberal stance on many issues. "This doesn't affect the patients' freedom of choice, but does nothing to alleviate the racial divide in our society," said Marijuana Party Chairwoman Crystal Kelly. "While the federal government has jurisdiction over how the marijuana industry is regulated within the states, Nevada has no say in the matter."

Another Marijuana News Online article discussed the upcoming California Marijuana legalization initiative. California is one of only three states in the nation to have taken marijuana possession away from persons who have not committed a specific crime. The new California Law on Marijuana outlines that recreational use of the drug is not against the law, but that personal use by adults is illegal. Proponents of the law believe that one pound of marijuana is equivalent to one ounce of cocaine, thus it will be lawful to sell and cultivate the drug for recreational use.

Marijuana News Online reports that marijuana advocates in California are working to get Measure 2018 passed so that citizens will be able to legally buy marijuana at retail stores. Proponents are banking on the fact that the legislature will not be able to pass a complete legalization package before the end of February, meaning that this measure could become a candidate for the ballot. Although marijuana use remains illegal under federal law, some cities and counties have already begun to implement some form of commercial marijuana sales. California is one of twenty states plus the District of Columbia that have legalized medical marijuana use.

Marijuana News Online reports that marijuana advocates are now targeting communities in California that are trying to restrict marijuana sales. In one instance, the city council was planning to ban marijuana dispensaries from operating within its boundaries. Other cities are considering similar resolutions. Marijuana advocates are hoping to put these types of resolutions before the voters during the November election. If successful, California voters may soon be able to regulate the sale and taxation of marijuana like alcohol. Marijuana is currently illegal for any purpose under federal law.


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