Thursday, August 5, 2021

How SSCE Questions Can Be Used at the Waec expo


The West African Examination Council (WAAE) has just released the official timetable for the 21st May/Junior Examination, as part of the World Schools Exposition (WSE). The revised timetable is based on the results of the previous exams and the result-based grading system used by WASSCE. This article presents some of the best Waec expo Q & A sessions that will help you with your pass rate and help you prepare for this crucial exam.

WASSCE University is the official partner of the world renowned Waec expo. In conjunction with WASSCE, the University has created a number of online resources to help students, parents and educators understand the importance of the WADAE. The first WAE course was launched in 2021 as part of the preparations for the WADAE competition. It was designed to cover areas that are unique to the African context and which have greater significance for a global education. The first online WaeExpo answer session took place on the day before the first WAE competition, the Annual Meeting.

There will be another WAE expo in 2021. The main target date for the next WAE expo is Visions of Youth Leadership. There will be another Waec expo site launch to celebrate the success of the contest that was organized by Visions of Youth Leadership as part of the Global Education Forum's mission to increase access to higher education for women and girls. The site will feature information on the latest developments and there will be general Waeexpo updates as well as details on applications and shortlisting for Visions of Youth Leadership.

An important feature of the contest is the participation of local students and others who have been involved in the Visions of Youth leadership project. There will be a Q&A session with the speakers making time available to answer questions from delegates. The questions will be asked from delegates at the expo and afterwards posted on the site. It is hoped that the opportunity for dialogue provides an opportunity for those speakers who wish to engage with questioners to do so. A follow up session after the expo will be organised to enable all delegates who have not been able to join in the actual expo, to submit questions and receive answers from the presenters. This will provide an opportunity for a dialogue between delegates and presenters on key issues.

One of the main features of the Expo is an opportunity for new leaders to get questions answered from delegates at the exhibition. Through an interactive question and answer session, delegates can find out about the different topics covered at the expo, receive answers to their questions and also ask questions of the presenters. If there are specific issues or problems facing your organisation that you cannot find information about at the expo, this is where questions and answers opportunities come into play. You can get specific advice as well as information on ways that your organisation can improve or deal with certain issues. This will ensure that your conference gives your members and staff the opportunity to raise issues and actually solve problems instead of minimising them with minimisation strategies and focus on meeting short-term goals.

As well as running a successful exhibition that attracts a large number of delegates, it is important that each area of the expo delivers a unique experience for delegates. The expo is a one-off event, meaning that if you do not provide something unique to the event, you won't really have any impact. The expo uses its duration to run a marketing campaign and this means that you need to think carefully about the type of promotional material that you use and where you place it. One of the best ways to use the expo to your advantage is to place the SSCE questions on high tables throughout the expo. Not only will this ensure that there is ample seating available, but it will attract a different type of attention compared to a promotional poster. The more unique promotional items you use, the more people are likely to look at your name and potentially even call you if they recognise the name.


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